Pénurie de salariés

The shortage of employees in the transport sector

Freight transport is one of the most essential functions in the global economy, but companies are struggling to find qualified drivers for their trucks.

Reasons for the shortage:

Several factors are contributing to this shortage of manpower in the transport professions. Firstly, the average age of truck drivers is high, with an average age of 55 in many countries. In addition, the cost of training to obtain a HGV driver’s license can be prohibitive for many potential candidates.

Another major reason for the shortage of employees in the transport professions is the lack of appeal of these jobs to young workers. Long working hours, loneliness on the road and a life on the move can deter those looking for a stable, regular job.

In addition, the lack of flexibility in working hours is a factor that can discourage some, as drivers are often required to work irregular hours and nights.

Advances in technology have also contributed to the labor shortage in the transport professions, as autonomous trucks are increasingly common on the roads. While autonomous trucks won’t completely replace human drivers, they can reduce the need for labor in the industry.

The main solutions :

To solve this problem of employee shortages in the transport professions, companies can adopt several strategies. Firstly, they can offer training and development programs for existing drivers, to help them improve their skills and remain competitive in the marketplace.

In addition, companies can also set up recruitment programs for young workers, to attract them to careers in the transport trades. These programs can offer benefits such as flexible working hours, fringe benefits and competitive salaries.

Finally, companies can also explore the benefits of advanced technologies, such as autonomous trucks, to increase efficiency and reduce the need for human labor. However, this should not be seen as a long-term solution, as the presence of human drivers remains essential for the safe and smooth operation of trucks.

In conclusion, the shortage of employees in the transport professions is a major challenge for the industry, but there are potential solutions. Companies can invest in training and recruitment, as well as in technology, to improve efficiency and maintain competitiveness.

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